
Chaotic and thermodynamic interplay in nanocavities.
V.Gavriil*, A.C. Cefalas, Z. Kollia and E. Sarantopoulou,
Entropy 2021: The Scientific Tool of the 21st Century (MDPI), online, May 5-7, 2021.

Photon-processed nanocavity networks regulate a thermodynamic-chaotic state interplay in 2D surfaces.
V. Gavriil* , A.C. Cefalas, D. Christofilos, G. Kourouklis, Z. Kollia, and E. Sarantopoulou,
Conference on Complex Systems 2020,
Thessaloniki, Greece; December 4-11, 2020.

The hypothesis of quantum coherent brain dynamics and human behavior.
A.C. Cefalas* , V. Gavriil, Z. Kollia, and E. Sarantopoulou,
Conference on Complex Systems 2020,
Thessaloniki, Greece; December 4-11, 2020.

Translational symmetry breaking at the nanoscale.
V. Gavriil*, A.C. Cefalas, Z. Kollia and E. Sarantopoulou,
Two-day conference “Interaction of laser beams with matter: achievements and prospects”
(HELLAS-CH), University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Grecce; August 29-30, 2019 (Oral).

Activation of cancer cell growth from a synergetic interaction between integrins and nanoparticles.
V.Gavriil*, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A.C. Cefalas, A. Ferraro, V.V. Semashko, M.S. Pudovkin, A.S. Nizamutdinov and P.V. Zelenikhin,
16th International Conference on Nanoscienses and Nanotechnologies (NN19),
Thessaloniki, Greece; July 2-5, 2019 (Oral).

Entropic production rate drives five and six-fold convective micro/nano-patterns via Rayleigh- Bernard instabilities in curved and planar surfaces.
V. Gavriil*, N. Spyropoulos-Antonakakis, A. C. Cefalas, Z. Kollia and E. Sarantopoulou,
16th International Conference on Nanoscienses and Nanotechnologies (NN19),
Thessaloniki, Greece; July 2-5, 2019 (Poster).

Quantum Brain and Memory: Myth or Reality.
A.C. Cefalas*,
3rd Conference of Psychosomatic Medicine,
Athens, Greece; Nov. 29 – Dec.1, 2019 (Oral).

Cytoskeletal stressing modes in cancer cells,
V. Gavriil, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, M. Goulielmaki, V. Zoumpourlis and A.C. Cefalas*,
24th World Congress on Advances in Oncology & 24th International Symposium on Molecular
Mystras, Sparta Greece; October 10-12, 2019 (Oral).

Photonic stimulation of cell wall integrity signaling pathway in Ulocladium chartarum at the nanoscale.
E. Sarantopoulou*, Z. Kollia, V. Gavriil, and A. C. Cefalas,
III International Symposium on Nanoparticles/Nanomaterials and Applications, ISN2A 2018,
Caparica, Portugal; 22-25 January 2018 (Poster).

Mechanical stimulus by rare-earth fluoride nanoparticles promote tumour growth in vitro.
A. C. Cefalas*, M. Pudovkin, A. Ferraro, V. Gavriil, E. Sarantopoulou, P. Zelenikhin, A.
Nizamutdinov, Z. Kollia and V. V. Semashko,
III international conference on nanoparticles, nanomaterials and Applications, ISN2A 2018,
Caparica, Portugal; 22-25 January, 2018 (Oral).

Entropic Potentials Can Be Probed by Photons.
E. Sarantopoulou, V. Gavriil, Z. Kollia, M. Chatzichristidi,  and A. C. Cefalas*,
Entropy 2018: From Physics to Information Sciences and Geometry,
Barcelona, Spain; 14–16 May 2018 (Poster).

Strong Entropic and Electric Current Coupling and Surface Topology in 2D Semiconductors Violates Translational Current Homogeneity along Opposite Conductive Paths at the Nanoscale.
A. C. Cefalas, E. Sarantopoulou*, V. Gavriil, Z. Kollia and V.V. Semashko,
Entropy 2018: From Physics to Information Sciences and Geometry,
Barcelona, Spain; 14–16 May 2018 (Poster).

Small size charged nanoparticles activate tumor cell growth.
V.V. Semashko, M.S. Pudovkin, P.V. Zelenikhin, V.E. Gavriil, A.S. Nizamutdinov, Z. Kollia, A. Ferraro, E. Sarantopoulou and A.C. Cefalas*,
17th Scientific conference-school,
University of Saransk, Suransk, Mordovia, Russian Federation; 18-21 September 2018 (Plenary ).

2D nano-topology and entropy drives unidirectional electric current stability in nanostructures.
V. Gavriil*, A.C. Cefalas, Z. Kollia and E. Sarantopoulou
XXXIII Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Materials Science,
University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus; 17-19 September 2018 (Oral).

Nanoscale surface topology is connected with physical interactions in materials, cells and tissues.
V. E. Gavriil*, D. Christofilos, G. Kourouklis and E. Sarantopoulou,
AUTh Department of Chemical Engineering workshop :Research in the Department of Chemical Engineering and the role of Chemistry Engineering in Modern Greek Industry,
Thessaloniki, Greece; 17 December 2018 (Poster).

High power 157 nm laser irradiation of Cladosporium herbarum spores activates cell wall integrity signalling pathways.
V. Gavriil, E. Sarantopoulou,  Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas*,
XXII International Symposium on High Power Laser Systems and Applications,
Frascati, Italy; 9-12 October 2017 (Invited).

Surface coupling of electric and entropic currents mediates current stability at the nanoscale.
A.C. Cefalas*, V. Gavriil, Z. Kollia, V. V. Semashko, E. Sarantopoulou,
EMN meeting, FFSCI-NanoScience/EMN Croatia Meeting,
Dubrovnik, Croatia; May 03-07, 2017 (Invited)

Dynamics of 1-D (necklace-like) self-assembled nanostructures of core-shells.
E. Sarantopoulou*, V. Gavriil, Z. Kollia, A. C. Cefalas,
EMN meeting, FFSCI-NanoScience/EMN Croatia Meeting,Dubrovnik, Croatia; May 03-07, 2017 (Poster).

Non-functionalized rare–earth fluoride nanoparticles promote tumour growth in vitro.
A. Ferraro, M. Pudovkin, V. Gavriil, E. Sarantopoulou*, P. Zelenikhin, A. Nitzamudinov, Z. Kollia, V. V. Semashko, A. C. Cefalas,
EMN meeting, FFSCI-NanoScience/EMN Croatia Meeting,
Dubrovnik, Croatia; May 03-07, 2017 (Poster).

Biomemetics: The holy grail of life sciences.
A. C. Cefalas*,
1st Hellenic-Chineese congress on health,
Athens Meeting, Athens, Greece; 11-14 May 2017 (Plenary).

Polymeric surfaces imitate polar –entropic completion in living cells.
V. Gavriil*,
1st Hellenic-Chinese congress on health,
Athens Meeting, Athens, Greece; 11-14 May 2017 (Invited).

Current stability in amorphous semiconductors correlates with translational symmetries along conductive paths at the nanoscale.
A. C. Cefalas*,
16th International scientific school, materials of nano-micro electronics and Fiber Optics: Physical Properties and Applications,
Saransk, Mordovia, Russian Federation; 19-22 Sept. 2017 (Invited Guest Lecture).

Non-functionalized fluoride-based nanoparticles increase growth of carcinogenic cells.
A. Ferraro, M. Pudovkin, V. Gavriil*, E. Sarantopoulou, P. Zelenikhin, A. Nizamutdinov, V. Semashko, A. C. Cefalas.
14th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (NN17),
Thessaloniki, Greece; July 4-7, 2017 (Oral).

Nanosciences and complexity decipher biological sciences.
A.C. Cefalas *,
2nd summer school on Physics and Astronomy,
Argostoli, Greece; June 25-30 2017 (invited).

Ponderomotor Forces Impact on Properties of UV Solid-State Laser.
V.V. Semashko, O.R. Akhtyamov, A.S. Nizamutdiniov, M.A.Marisov, E.Sarantopoulou and A.C.Cefalas,
International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics (ICONO 2016) &  International Conference on Lasers, Applications, and Technologies (LAT 2016),
Minsk, Belarus; September 26-30, 2016.

Ponderomotor forces impact on the properties of UV solid-state laser.
V.V. Semashko, O.R. Akhtyamov, A.S. Nizamutdiniov, E.Sarantopoulou  and A.C.Cefalas,
19th International Conference on Dynamical Processes in Excited States of Solids (DPC’16),
Paris, France; July 17-22, 2016.

Optical point spread function as a method for measuring CMOS image sensor performance.
V. E. Gavriil, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and  A. C. Cefalas,
6th International Conference on Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers (6th IC-MAST), NHRF, Athens, Greece; 27-30 September 2016.

Testing dynamic operation of image sensor with Nd:YAG ps laser at 532nm.
V.E. Gavriil, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas,
8th Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics (8-Medinano),
NHRF, Athens, Greece; 29-30 June 2016.

Optical point spread function evaluates CMOS image sensor performance.
V. E. Gavriil, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and  A. C. Cefalas,
EDA Workshop “Sensor Payload Workshop for small UAV” ,
EDA (European Defence Agency) Brussels, Belgium; 13-14 April 2016.  

Photonic probing of entropic potentials. 
A.C. Cefalas, N. Spyropoulos-Antonakakis    Z. Kollia,  M. Chatzichristidi and E. Sarantopoulou,
OASIS 5 Conference,
Tel Aviv, Israel; March 3–4, 2015.

Size dependent semiconducting behavior in metal nitride nanodomains.
A. C. Cefalas, V.V. Pavlov, Z. Kollia, V.V. Semashko and E. Sarantopoulou,
14th International Scientific Conference-School “Materials of nano-, micro-, opto-electronics and fiber optics: physical properties and application”,
Saransk, Russia; Sep.29-Oct.4, 2015.

Light pressure effects in physics of solid state lasers.
V.V. Semashko, O.R. Akhtyamov, A.S. Nizamutdiniov, E.Sarantopoulou and A.C. Cefalas,
14th International Scientific Conference-School “Materials of nano-, micro-, opto-electronics and fiber optics: physical properties and application”,
Saransk, Russia; Sep.29-Oct.4, 2015.

Physical principles of nanotechnology,
A.C. Cefalas,
1st Conference on Research and Discoveries,
Athens, Greece; October 9-10, 2015.

Atomic Force Microscopy. The locomotive of nanoscience.
E. Sarantopoulou,
1st Conference on Research and Discoveries,
Athens, Greece; October 9-10, 2015.

Optical Point spread function as a method for testing dynamic operation of CCDs.
V.E. Gavriil, A.C. Cefalas, Z. Kollia and E. Sarantopoulou,
XXXI Panhellenic Conference on Solid State Physics and Material Science,
Thessaloniki, Greece; 20 -23 September 2015.

Integrins for targeting cell lines in vivo.
A. L. Stefi, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, N. Spyropoulos-Antonakakis, A. C. Cefalas, A. Bourkoula, P. S. Petrou, S. Kakabakos and P. N. Trohopoulos,
EUROPT(R)ODE XII Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors & Biosensors,
Athens, Greece; 13-16 April 2014.

Nanothermodynamic sensors: Novel devices to probe polar-entropic competition and energy flow at the nanoscale.
E. Sarantopoulou , K. Kalitsounaki, A. Reskou, M. Chatzichristidi, Z. Kollia, N. Spyropoulos-Antonakakis, and A.C. Cefalas,
EUROPT(R)ODE XII Conference on Optical Chemical Sensors & Biosensors,
Athens, Greece; 13-16 April 2014.

Nano-thermodynamics mediates drug delivery.
A. Stefi, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, N. Spyropoulos-Antonakakis, A. Bourkoula, P. S. Petrou, S. Kakabakos, G. Soras, P.N. Trohopoulos and A.C. Cefalas
GeNeDis 2014 Conference,
Corfu, Greece; 10-13 April 2014.

Size Distribution and Agglomeration Studies of the CosmoPHOS – PAMAM Dendrimersbased NIR PBNs on Human Atherosclerotic Plaques and other Surfaces.
A. C. Cefalas and E. Sarantopoulou,
4th General Assembly & 4th Workshop Agenda of CosmoPhos-nano project, Athens, Greece, 27-28 November 2014

Size-dependent gold nitride Schottky nanodiodes.
N. Spyropoulos-Antonakakis, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas,
29th Panhellenic Conference on Solid-State Physics and Materials Science (PCSSP),
Athens, Greece; 22-25 September, 2013.

Local charge carrier transport mechanisms and memory effects in metal (Ta, Au, In) nitride nanostructures.
N. Spyropoulos-Antonakakis, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas,
10th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies (NN13),
Thessaloniki, Greece; 9-12 July, 2013.

Rectifying Schottky Nanocontacts on Gold Nitride and Indium Nitride Nanodomains.
N. Spyropoulos-Antonakakis, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas,
31st international conference on the physics of semiconductors (ICPS 2012)
Zurich, Switzerland; 29 luly-3 August, 2012.

The Role of Extended Defects in Charge Accumulation at the Boundaries of AuN and InN Nanodomains.
N. Spyropoulos-Antonakakis*, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas,
International Conference on Extended Defects in Semiconductors (EDS 2012),
Thessaloniki, Greece; 24-29 June, 2012.

Charge memory effects in transition metal nitride nanodomains.
E. Sarantopoulou*, N. Spyropoulos –Antonakakis, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas,
3rd International Nanotechnology Conference and Exhibition, NanoIsrael 2012,
Tel-Aviv, Israel; 26-27 March, 2012.

Entropic nanothermodynamic potential from molecular trapping within photon processed polymeric layers.
A.C. Cefalas*, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, M. Kitsara, I. Raptis and E. Bakalis,
3rd International Nanotechnology Conference and Exhibition, NanoIsrael 2012,
Tel-Aviv, Israel; 26-27 March, 2012.

The role of quantum coherence in nanocrystallization and its industrial applications. (INVITED)
A.C. Cefalas*,
7th Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Conference (NanoTR VII),
Istanbul, Turkey; 27 June -1 July, 2011.

Charge memory effects and confinement in AuNx nanodomains,
N. Spyropoulos-Antonakakis*, E. Sarantopoulou and Z. Kollia,
ICFSI 13, International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces,
Prague, Czech Republic; 3-8 July 2011.

Size and quantum effects in InN nano-domains. (INVITED)
E. Sarantopoulou,* Z. Kollia and A.C. Cefalas,
Slonano 2010,
Ljubljana, Slovenia; 20-22 October, 2010.

The coherence as an inherent quantum state of nanoscale. (INVITED)
A.C. Cefalas,* E. Sarantopoulou and Z. Kollia,
Co-nanomet, Modeling and simulation techniques for nanometrology,
Sofia, Bulgaria; 29-30 October, 2010.

Nano -engineering of bio-arrays at 157 nm.
A.C. Cefalas*, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, P. Petrou and S. Kakabakos,
11th Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference, TNT 2010,
Braga, Portugal; 06-10 September, 2010.

Long term oxidization and phase transition of InN epitaxial nanotextures.
E. Sarantopoulou*, Z. Kollia, G. Drazic and S. Kobe,
11th Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference, TNT 2010,
Braga, Portugal; 06-10 September, 2010.

Hollow nanospheres formation through nanoscale melt-soldification mechanism in
Sm-Fe(Ta)-N system.
S. Sturm, K. Zuzek Rozman, S. Markoli, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A.C. Cefalas and S. Kobe,
Proceedings of the 17th International Microscopy Congress, Revealing the nanoworld in life and
materials science, IMC 17, Sociedade Brasileria de Microscopia e Microanylise,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 19-24 September, 2010.

The formation of hollow nanospheres in Sm-Fe(Ta)-N system.
S. Sturm, K. Zuzek Rozman, B. Markoli, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A.C. Cefalas and S. Kobe,
V: “Past, present and future of (S)TEM and its appliations : a tribute to the work of Christian Colliex”,
Paris, France; 9-11 June, 2010.

Advanced TEM characterization methods of magnetic nanostructures.
S. Sturm, K. Zuzek Rozman, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A.C. Cefalas and S. Kobe,
21st Workshop on Rare-Earth Permanent Magnets and their Applications, REPM’10,
Bled, Slovenia; 29 August – 2 September, 2010.

Epitaxial InN/In2O3 -Ta and InN-Si semiconducting nanotextures.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia*, A. C. Cefalas, G. Drazic and S. Kobe,
6th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies – NN09,
Thessaloniki, Greece; July 13-15, 2009.

Surface and chemical modification of PDMS thin films by 157 nm laser light.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia*, C. Riziotis and A.C. Cefalas,
6th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies – NN09,
Thessaloniki, Greece; July 13-15, 2009.

Surface modification properties of sol-gel and PDMS materials upon 193nm and
157 nm laser light illumination.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, L. Athanasekos*, M. Vasileiadis, N. Aspiotis and D. Alexandropoulos,
Emerging Trends & Novel Materials in Photonics,
Delphi, Greece; October 7-9, 2009.

Structural and compositional properties of Sm-Fe-Ta magnetic nanospheres prepared by
pulsed-laser deposition at 157 nm in N2.
S. Sturm, K. Zuzek Rozman, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, S. Kobe and A.C. Cefalas*,
Trends in NanoTechnology (TNT2009),
Barcelona, Spain; September 7-11, 2009 .

Icosahedral Ti-Zr-Ni Thin Films.
A. Kocjan, G. Drazic, P. McGuiness, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A.C. Cefalas and S. Kobe*,
Trends in NanoTechnology (TNT2009),
Barcelona, Spain; September 7-11, 2009.

Growth of ferromagnetic core-shell Fe-Sm-Ta-N nanospheroids. (INVITED)
E.Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A. C. Cefalas, S. Kobe and G. Drazic,
5th International Conference on Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies (NN08),
Thessaloniki, Greece; 14-16 July (2008)

Self-assembled ferromagnetic and superparamagnetic structures of Fe block copolymers hybrids. (INVITED)
E. Sarantopoulou,
Women In Nano” Winter School,
Kranjska Gora, Slovenia; 7-9 Februariou (2008).

Limits of hierarchical self-assembled nano/micro structures induced by vacuum ultraviolet light. (INVITED)
A. C. Cefalas, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and S. Kobe,
Hot Nanotopics,
Portoroz Slovenia; 23-30 May (2008).

Preparing ulocladium cultures for studies in microgravity conditions.
I. Gomoiu, E. Sarantopoulou and Z. Kollia,
ELGRA-AIMAS Symposium,“Plant Biology 2” session,
Florence, Italy; 4-7 September (2007).

Microfabrication of sensing properties.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, K. Manoli, M. Saropoulou, D. Goustouridis, S. Chatzandroulis and I. Raptis,
14th Internasional Conference on solid state sensors,
Lyon France; June 10-14 (2007).

Principles and methodologies of polymer nano/micro- fabrication with VUV ligth.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, M. Chatzichristidi, A. Douvas, P.Argitis, S. Kobe and A.C. Cefalas,
8th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication,
University of Vienna, Austria; April 24 – 28, 2007.

VUV Laser Fabrication of Fe-Sm-Ta-N Magnetic Nanodroplets.
S. Kobe, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Samardžija, M. Janeva, Z. Kollia and A.C. Cefalas,
8th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication,
University of Vienna, Austria; April 24 – 28, 2007.

Enhancement of sensing properties of thin poly(methyl methacrylate) films by VUV modification.
I. Raptis, J. Kovac, M. Chatzichristidi, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, S. Kobe and A. C. Cefalas,
8th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication,
University of Vienna, Austria; April 24 – 28, 2007.

Micro/Nano self-assembled structures of block copolymer / iron, samarium iron nanoparticles hybrid materials induced by VUV light.
E. Sarantopoulou, K. Gatsouli, Z. Kollia, S. Pispas, S. Kobe and A. C. Cefalas,
8th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication,
University of Vienna, Austria; April 24 – 28, 2007.

Fabrication of crystalline/amorphous bi-phase Sm-Fe-Ta-N magnetic nanodroplets.
S. Kobe, E. Sarantoupolou, G. Dražic, M. Janeva, J. Kovac, Z. Kollia and A.C. Cefalas,
EMRS 2007, Strasburg France; May 28 – June 1, 2007.

Nano-engineering of BIO-ARRAYS with Vacuum Ultraviolet Light.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A. C. Cefalas, A. M. Douvas, M. Chatzichristidi, P. Argitis,
K. Misiakos, Z. Petrou and S. Kakabakos,
EMRS 2007, Strasburg France; May 28 – June 1, 2007.

Self -assembled magnetic structures of Fe polymers.
E. Sarantopoulou, K. Gatsouli, Z. Kollia, S. Pispas, A. C. Cefalas, S. Kobe and J. Kovac,
EMRS 2007, Strasburg France; May 28 – June 1, 2007.

VUV light induced surface interaction and accelerated diffusion of carbon, silicon and
oxygen contamination elements in LiF crystals.

E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, C. P. E. Varsamis, A. C. Cefalas, S. Kobe and J. Kovac,
EMRS 2007, Strasburg France; May 28 – June 1, 2007.

VUV laser cleaning of fungus and Lichens from Hellenic archeological stones.
E. Sarantopoulou , Z. Kollia, A. C. Cefalas and I. Gomoiu,
EMRS 2007, Strasburg France; May 28 – June 1, (2007.

Nano mapping of rare earth ion concentration in wide band gap dielectric crystals
with transmission electron microscopy.

G. Drazic, S. Kobe, A. C. Cefalas, E. Sarantopoulou and Z. Kollia.
EMRS 2007, Strasburg France, May 28 – June 1, 2007).

Magnetism from intermetallic alloy droplets. (INVITED)
S. Kobe, E. Sarantopoulou, G. Drazic, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas,
SLONANO 2006 Symposium,
Ljubljana Slovenia; 20-21 September 2006.

CaF2:Tm3+ nanocomposites fabricated by pulsed laser deposition at 157 nm.
E.Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A.C. Cefalas, S. Kobe and J. T. van Elteren,
5th International Conference on Inorganic Materials,
Ljubljana Slovenia; 23-26 September 2006.

Nano-depth control over self assembled structures on biocompatible polymeric thin
films for bio array applications.

E. Sarantopoulou,
TNT 2006, Grenoble, France; 4-8 September 2006.

Nanocrystalization of calcium carbonate in magnetic field.
A. C. Cefalas, S. Kobe, E. Sarantopoulou, Z.Kollia, J.Stražišar and A. Meden,
TNT 2006 Grenoble, France; 4-8 September 2006.

Hieharchical self assempled structures from block copolymer/metal nanoparticles
hybrid materials induced by VUV light.

E. Sarantopoulou, K. Gatsouli, Z. Kollia, S. Pispas and S. Kobe,
TNT 2006 Grenoble, France; 4-8 September 2006.

Atomic resolution etching of external proteinacious protective membrane of
ulocladium and aspergillus 1-4 spores in vivo.

E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and I. Gomoiu,
3rd Workshop on Nanoscience & Nanotechnologies N&N 06,
Thessaloniki, Greece; 10-12 July 2006.

Magnetic properties and structure of Sm-Fe-N nano- droplet.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A. C. Cefalas and S. Kobe,
3rd Workshop on Nanoscience & Nanotechnologies N&N 06,
Thessaloniki Greece,10-12 July 2006.

Hieharchical self assempled structures from block copolymer/metal nanoparticles
hybrid materials induced by VUV

Z. Kollia, K. Gatsouli, E. Sarantopoulou and S. Pispas,
3rd Workshop on Nanoscience & Nanotechnologies N&N 06,
Thessaloniki, Greece; 10-12 July 2006.

Structural and optical properties of nano-composites of wide band gap dielectric crystals
doped with trivalent rare earth ions fabricated by pulsed laser deposition at 157 nm

E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas,
EMRS 2006,
Nice, France; 29 May-2 June 2006.

Polymer self-assembly with lasers at 157 nm.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A. C. Cefalas , A. M. Douvas, M. Chatzichristidi, P. Argitis and S. Kobe,
EMRS 2006,
Nice, France; 29 May-2 June 2006.

Nano-scale spatial control over surface morphology of biocompatible fluoropolymers at 157nm.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A. C. Cefalas, A. M. Douvas, M. Chatzichristidi, P. Argitis and S. Kobe,
EMRS 2006,
Nice, France; 29 May-2 June 2006.

Magnetic properties and structure of Sm-Fe-N nano droplets.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A. C. Cefalas and S. Kobe,
EMRS 2006,
Nice, France; 29 May-2 June 2006.

The fabrication of single magnetic Nano-dots by pulsed Laser Deposition. (INVITED)
E. Sarantopoulou, G. Drazic, S. Kobe, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas,
13 th International conference of Materials and Technology,
Porto-Ross, Slovenia; 10-12 Oct. 2005.

The quantum Theory of Nano-crystalization in the presence of Magnetic Fields.(INVITED)
A. C. Cefalas, S. Kobe, E. Sarantopoulou and Z. Kollia.
13 th International conference of Materials and Technology,
Porto-Ross Slovenia, 10-12 Oct. 2005.

Subtle thermal effects of interaction of non-ionized radiation with DNA crystals:
A quantum mechanical approach. (INVITED)
A.C. Cefalas, E. Sarantopoylou and Z. Kollia,
FGF-Workshopon. “Subtle Thermal Effects of RF-fields in vitro and in vivo”
Stuttgart, Germany; 21-23 November 2005.

Magnetic properties and structures of Sm-Fe films processed by pulse laser deposition.
E. Sarantopoulou, S. Kobe, K. Zuzek, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas,
26th International Conference MIPRO. Conference on Microelectronics, Electronics, and Electronic
Opatija, Croatia; 30 May -3 June 2005.

Magnetic properties and structure of Sm-Fe-X films processed by pulsed laser deposition.
S. Kobe, G. Drazic, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas,
EMRS 2005,
Strasbourg, France; 31 May-3 June 2005.

Preparation of ultra-thin films of DNA bases with laser light at 157 mm.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A. C. Cefalas, Z. Samardzija and S. Kobe,
EMRS 2005,
Strasbourg, France; 31 May-3 June 2005.

Preventing biological activity of Ulocladium sp spores in artifacts using 157-nm laser.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and I. Gomoiu,
EMRS 2005,
Strasbourg, France; 31 May-3 June 2005.

Outgassing, surface morphology, contamination issues of resists in the EUV. (INVITED)
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas,
1st European workshop on Resist Limitations,
Erlangen, Germany; 13-16 December 2004.

New trends in magnetic thin film deposition by pulse laser deposition at 157 nm.
E. Sarantopoulou, S. Kobe, K. Zuzek, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas.
27th International Conference MIPRO. Conference on Microelectronics, Electronics, and
Electronic Technologies,
Opatija, Croatia; May 24-28, 2004.

Magnetic properties of nano-crystalline Sm-Fe composites fabricated by pulse laser deposition at 157 nm.
S. Kobe, K. Žužek, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas,
EMRS 2004,
Strasbourg, France; May 24-28 2004.

Current trends in 157 nm dry lithography.
A.C. Cefalas,
EMRS 2004, N-Laser Interaction in materials from nanoscale to mesoscale,
Strasbourg, France; May 24-28 2004.

Bonding of Silicon based Nanocomposites on the surface of optical crystals.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A. C. Cefalas, S. Sturm and S. Kobe,
EMRS 2004, G-Current trends in nanoscience-from materials to applications,
Strasbourg, France; May 24-28 2004.

Quantum Theory of Nanocrystallization of ionic crystals in the presence of magnetic fields.
A. C. Cefalas, S. Kobe, E. Sarantopoulou and Z. Kollia,
EMRS 2004, G-Current trends in nanoscience-from materials to applications,
Strasbourg, France; May 24-28 2004.

Magnetic properties of Nanocrystalline Sm-Fe composites fabricated by pulse laser deposition at 157 nm.
S. Kobe, K. Zuzek, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas,
EMRS 2004, G-Current trends in nanoscience-from materials to applications,
Strasbourg, France; May 24-28 2004.

Self assemply of fluor and other polymers with laser light at 157 nm.
Z. Kollia, E. Sarantopoulou, A. C. Cefalas and S. Kobe,
EMRS 2004, G-Current trends in nanoscience-from materials to applications,
Strasbourg, France; May 24-28 2004.

Direct measurement of Absorbance of resists at 13 nm lithography by using 157 nm laser
ablation and AFM.
Z. Kollia, E. Sarantopoulou and A. C. Cefalas,
EMRS 2004, N-Laser Interaction in materials from nanoscale to mesoscale,
Strasbourg, France; May 24-28 2004.

Assesment of structural damage of DNA bases at 157 nm and 2.5 mm.
Z. Kollia, E. Sarantopoulou, A. C. CefalasZ. Samardžija and S. Kobe,
EMRS 2004, N-Laser Interaction in materials from nanoscale to mesoscale,
Strasbourg, France; May 24-28 2004.

Quantum field theory of Nano-crystallization of ionic crystals in the presence of magnetic fields.
A.C. Cefalas, S. Kobe, Z. Kollia and E. Sarantopoulou,
EMRS 2004,
Strasbourg, France; May 24-28 2004.

Self-assempled structures induced with laser light at 157 nm.
Z. Kollia, E. Sarantopoulou, A. C. Cefalas, S. Kobe, P. Argitis and K. Missiakos,
4th International conference on photo excited processes and applications, ICPEPA,
Lecce, Italy; 5-14 September 2004.

A practical and Theoretical study of the formation of CaCO3 in the presence of magnetic fields.(INVITED)
S. Kobe, A. C. Cefalas, G. Drazic, E. Sarantopoulou, P. McGuiness, J. Strazisar and A. Meden,
International Magnetic Conference (INTERMAG 2003),
Boston MA, USA; 3 March-30 April 2003.

Nanostructures and applications assisted by short wavelength light at 157 nm. (INVITED)
A. C. Cefalas,
11 th conference on Materials and Technology.
Portoroz, Slovenija; 1-3 Oct. 2003.

Analytical electron microscopy of optical materials for 157 nm.
G. Drazic, S. Kobe, E. Sarantopoulou and A. C. Cefalas,
EMAS 2003, 8th European Workshop on Modern Developments and Applications in Microbea Analysis,
Book of abstracts. [S.l.]: European Microbeam Analysis, Society, 2003, p. 290. [COBISS.SI-ID 17814567], Chiclana de la Frontera (Cadiz), Spain; 18 – 22 May 2003.

Control over nanocrystalization symmetry in turbulent flow in the presence of magnetic fields.
S. Kobe, G. Drazic, E. Sarantopoulou and A.C. Cefalas,
Strasbourg, France; June 10-13, 2003.

Nanometric size control and treatment of historic paper manuscript and pronts with laser ligth at 157nm.
Z. Kollia, E. Sarantopoulou, A.C. Cefalas, S. Kobe and Z. Samardlija,
Strasbourg, France; June 10-13, 2003.

Observation of cluster formation of rare earth ions in wide band gap fluorine dielectric crystals using transmission electron microscopy.
G. Drazic, S. Kobe, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas.
Strasbourg, France; June 10-13, 2003.

The challenge of 157nm nano- lithography.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A.C. Cefalas, E. Gogolides and P. Argitis,
Strasbourg, France; June 10-13, 2003.

Spin Electron and Magnetic properties of the 4fn-1 5d electronic configuration of trivalent rare earth ions.
A. C. Cefalas, E. Sarantopoulou and S. Kobe,
Strasbourg, France; June 10-13, 2003.

Electronic and Magnetic properties of the 4f11, 4f105d electronic configuration
of the Er3+ ions in SrF2 wide band gap crystals.
A. C. Cefalas , E. Sarantopoulou, S. Kobe and P. Mc Guiness,
Strasbourg, France; June 10-13, 2003.

Atomic resolution imaging of defects and dislocations of optical materials for 157 nm lithography with transmission electron microscopy.
A. C. Cefalas, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, G. Drazic and S. Kobe,
Strasbourg, France; June 10-13, 2003.

157nm laser cleaning of lithographic optical materials.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A. C. Cefalas, S. Kobe and G. Drazic,
Workshop on New trends in Laser Cleaning. NETOLAC,
Madrid, Spain; 13-15 June 2002.

Laser treatment of foxing at 157nm.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Samardzija, S. Kobe, M. Besenicar, Z. Kollia, P. Argitis and A.C. Cefalas ,
EMRS 2002,
Strasbourg, France; 18-21 June 2002.

Crystal field splitting of highly excited electronic state of the 4f n-1 5d electronic configuration of trivalent rare earth ions in wide band gap grystals.
A. C. Cefalas, Z. Kollia and E. Sarantopoulou,
EMRS 2002,
Strasbourg, France; 18-21 June 2002.

Non destructive determination of rare earth ion concentration in laser crystals using the VSM method.
S. Kobe , B. Podmiljak, P.J. McGuiness, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A. Vourdas and A. C. Cefalas,
EMRS 2002,
Strasbourg, France; 18-21 June 2002.

Nucleation and crystallization of CaCO3 in applied magnetic fields,
S. Kobe, G. Drazic,, M. Komelj, E. Sarantopoulou and A. C. Cefalas,
EMRS 2002,
Strasbourg, France; 18-21 June 2002.

X-ray micro analysis of optical materials fir 157 nm photolithography.
E. Sarantopoulou, G. Drazic, S. Kobe, Z. Kollia, P. Argitis and A. C. Cefalas,
EMRS 2002,
Strasbourg, France; 18-21 June 2002.

Nano strucrure imaging of biological speciments in vivo with laser plasma soft x-ray contact microscopy.
A.C. Cefalas , P. Argitis, P. Di Lazaro, F. Flora, T.W. Ford, A.D. Stead, C.N.Danson, D. Neely,
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and S. Kobe,
EMRS 2002,
Strasbourg, France; 18-21 June 2002.

AC Acharonov – Bohm Phenomena in mesoscopic rings.
A. Vourdas, A. C. Cefalas, N. Glezos, S. Kobe and E. Sarantopoulou,
EMRS 2002,
Strasbourg, France; 18-21 June 2002.

Magnetic moment of trivalent rare earth ions in ionic laser crystals.
S. Kobe, B. Podmiljsak, P.J. McGuiness, G. Drazic, E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas,
17th International Workshop on Rare Earth Magnets and their application.
Newark Delaware, USA; August 18-22 2002.

New Silsequioxane and Siloxane Based Resist Copolymers for 157 nm Lithography.
V. Bellas, E. Tegou, I.Raptis, E.Gogolides, , P. Argitis, E.Sarantopoulou and A.C. Cefalas,
3rd International Symposium on 157 nm Lithography,
Antwerp, Belgium; 3-6 September 2002.

Transmission electron microscopy and X-ray microanalysis of optical materials for
157nm photolithography.
E. Sarantopoulou, A. C. Cefalas, Z. Kollia, G. Drazic and S. Kobe,
3nd International Conference on 157nm photolithography,
Antwerp, Belgium; 3-6 September 2002.

The resist challenge for 157nm lithography.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas,
3nd International Conference on 157nm photolithography,
Antwerp, Belgium; 3-6 September 2002.

Vacuum ultraviolet emission from wide band gap dielectric crystals doped with trivalent rare earth ions.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas,
3nd International Conference on 157nm photolithography,
Antwerp, Belgium; 3-6 September 2002.

Resist Process Issues at EUV Related to the Glass Transition Changes Accompanying Film
Thickness Reduction.
I. Raptis, D. Niakoula, E. Tegou, P. Argitis, E. Gogolides, C. Cefalas and E. Sarantopoulou,
1st Sematech Symposium on EUV Lithography,
Dallas, USA; October 2002.

Photodissociation dynamics of DNA bases.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia, A. C. Cefalas, S. Kobe and Z. Samardzija,
“Tera-Herz Radiation In Biological Research, Investigation of Diagnostics and study
of potential genotoxic effects”, THz Bridge workshop
Capri, Italy; 29 September-3 October 2002.

Evaluation of siloxane and polyhedral oligomeric silsesquixane copolymers for 157 nm lithography.
V. Bellas, E.Tegou, I.Raptis, E. Gogolides, P.Argitis, H. Iatrou, N Hatjichristidis, E. Sarantopoulou and
C. E. Cefalas,
Presented also in the 46th International Conference on Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanotechnology (EIPBN 2002),
Annaheim, CA, USA; May 28-31 2002.

VUV spectroscopy of nominally pure and rare-earth ions doped LiCaAlF6 single crystals as promising materials for 157nm photolithography.
A. C. Cefalas, E. Sarantopoulou and Z. Kollia,
XI-th Feofilov symposium on spectroscopy of crystals activated by rare – earth and transition
metals ions,
Kazan, Russia; 24-28 Sept. 2001.

Lasers in Metrology and Art Conservation.Removing foxing stains from old paper at 157nm.
A. C. Cefalas,. E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and P. Argitis,
Munich, Germany; 18-22 June 2001.

On the contraction of the 5d electronic configuration of the Pr3+ ion in wide band gap fluoride dielectric crystals. Dynamical processes in Excited electronic states of Solids.
E. Sarantopoulou and A. C. Cefalas,
Lyon, France; 1-4 July 2001.

Restoration of Historic paper using Vacuum Ultraviolet Lasers.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas,
International Conference on Lasers 2001,
Tucson, Arizona, USA; 4-8 December 2001.

The challenge of 157nm Photolithography.
E. Sarantopoulou, Z. Kollia and A. C. Cefalas,
International Conference on Lasers 2001,
Tucson, Arizona, USA; 4-8 December 2001.

New polymeric materials for 157nm photolithography. (INVITED)
E. Sarantopoulou and A. C. Cefalas,
International Conference on Lasers 2001,
Tucson, Arizona, USA; 4-8 December 2001.

Surface treatment of old manuscripts against Foxing at 157nm. (INVITED)
E. Sarantopoulou and A. C. Cefalas,
International Conference on Lasers 2001,
Tucson, Arizona, USA; 4-8 December 2001.

Ultrafine resolution analysis assisted by chemically amplified resists.
P. Argitis, E. Sarantopoulou, E. Gogolides and A. C. Cefalas,
6th Euro Litho Seminar,
Antwerpen, Belgium; 24-25 January 2000.

Efficient removing of foxing and sticky – tape marks from old manuscripts using a molecular fluorine laser at 157nm.
A. C. Cefalas, E. Sarantopoulou and Z. Kollia,
Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, LIBS 2000
Tirenia, Pisa, Italy; October 8-12, 2000.

Intense Vacuum Ultraviolet Emission at 172 nm from LaF:Nd crystals.
Micro and nano-Engineering 2000,
Jena, Germany; September 18th-21st 2000.

Photoresist materials for 157nm photolithography.
E.Sarantopoulou, A.C.Cefalas, P. Argitis and E. Gogolides,
EMRS 2000,
Strasbourg, France; May 30-June 2, 2000.

Vortex interference in Josepson array in the insulating phase.
A. Vourdas, A.C. Cefalas and E. Sarantopoulou,
EMRS 2000,
Strasbourg, France; May 30-June 2, 2000.

Modulation of period of quantum beats fron optical emission from the excited electronic state of mercury triatomy clusters.
E. Sarantopoulou A.C. Cefalas and A. Vourdas,
EMRS 2000,
Strasbourg, France; May 30-June 2, 2000.

Partial restoration of spherical symetry of angular momentum of 5d orbitals of rare earths ions in wide band gap fluoride crystals.
E. Sarantopoulou and A.C.Cefalas,
Lasers 2000,
Albuquerque, New Mexico; December 4-8, 2000.

Chalanges of 157nm photolithography. (INVITED)
A. C. Cefalas  and E. Sarantopoulou,
Arch’s 6 th. Litho Workshop,
Antwerp, Belgium; January 24-25, 2000.

157nm photolithography. (INVITED)
A. C. Cefalas and E. Sarantopoulou,
International celebrating meeting on the birth of 157nm photolithography at 157nm” organized
by Sematech USA and Excitech UK,
Oxford, UK; 24-25 June 2000.

Optical materials for 157 nm photolithography.
A. C. Cefalas and E. Sarantopoulou,
Optical Society of America Annual Meeting ILS-XV,
Santa Clara, California, USA; Sept. 26-1, 1999.

Absorbance and outgasing of photoresist polymeric materials for 157nm photolithography.
A. C. Cefalas, E. Sarantopoulou, E. Gogolides and P. Argitis,
Interactive 99, Proceedings, pages 197-205,
San Diego, California, USA; 14-16 November 1999.

Optical materials for 157nm photolithography.
A. C. Cefalas and E. Sarantopoulou,
Interactive 99, Proceedings, pages 1-4,
San Diego, California, USA; 14-16 November 1999.

Absorbance and outgasing of photoresist polymeric materials for 157nm photolithography.(INVITED)
A. C. Cefalas, E. Sarantopoulou, E. Gogolides and P. Argitis,
Interactive 99, Procedings pages 197-205,
San Diego, California, USA; 14-16 November 1999.

Optical materials for 157nm photolithography. (INVITED)
A. C. Cefalas and E. Sarantopoulou,
Interactive 99, Procedings pages 1-4,
San Diego, California, USA; 14-16 November 1999.

Nanostructure imaging of biological specimens in vivo with high power lasers. (INVITED)
A. C. Cefalas, E. Sarantopoulou P. Argitis, T. W. Ford, A. D. Stead, C. N. Danson and D. Neely,
Users meeting of Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Didcot,
Abington, UK; 20-21 December 1999.

Fast, chemically amplified epoxy novolac photoresist for soft X-ray contact microscopy of living biological images.
P. Argitis, A. C. Cefalas, Z. Kollia, E. Sarantopoulou, T. Ford, A. D. Stead, A. Maranca, C. N. Danson,
J. Knott and D. Neely,
CLEO Europe 98,
Glasgow, Scotland; 13-18 Sept.1998.

Crystal field splitting of the 4f25d levels of the Nd3+ ions in LiCaAlF6 crystals.
A. C. Cefalas, E. Sarantopoulou and Z. Kollia,
EQEC 98, Glasgow, Scotland; 13-18 Sept.1998.

Laser plasma X-ray contact microscopy of living specimens using a chemically amplified epoxy resist. (INVITED)
A. C. Cefalas, P. Argitis, E. Sarantopoulou, T. W. Ford, A. D. Stead, C. N. Danson and D. Neely,
Users meeting of Rutherford Appleton Laboratory,
Didcot, Abington, UK; May 24-26 1998.

Fast high resolution negative chemically amplified epoxy photoresist for X-Ray imaging of living biological specimens in the water window. (INVITED)
A. C. Cefalas, P. Argitis, E. Sarantopoulou, T. W. Ford, A. D. Stead, A. Maranka, C. N. Danson,
J. Knott and D. Neely,
International Conference on Lasers 98,
Tucson, Arizona, USA, 7-11 Dec. 1998.

On the 4f25d-4f3 interconfigurational transitions of the Nd3+ ions in PFYK crystal host.
Z. Kollia , E. Sarantopoulou and A. C. Cefalas,
3rd South European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics SECAMP-96,
Island of Kos, Greece;  10-16 October 1996.

On the 4f75d-4f8 transitions of the Tb3+ ion in LiLuF4 single crystal hosts.
A. C.Cefalas, Z. Kollia , E. Sarantopoulou , A. K. Naumov , M. A. Dubinskii , R. Yu. Abdulsabirov,
S. L. Korableva and V. V. Semashko,
Anaheim, California, USA; June 2-7 1996.

Singly and Multiply Charged positive and Negative ions of Atomic Mercury and Mercury clusters Observed.
in Laser Dissociation of HgBr2,
S. M. Spyrou, E Sarantopoulou, A. C. Cefalas and C. A. Nicolaides,
5th European Conference on Atomic and Molecular Physics,
Edinburgh, United Kingdom; April 3 -7 1995.

Atomic ions and clusters multiply charged ions of mercury observed in a beam laser photodissociation of HgBr2.
S. M. Spyrou, E. Sarantopoulou, A. C. Cefalas and C. A. Nicolaides,
Edinbourg, UK;  1995.

Active and Passive Optical Materials for the Vacuum Ultraviolet spectral region. (INVITED)
A. C. Cefalas,
8th International School on Quantum Electronics, Laser Physics and Applications, Varna-Bulgaria,
Sept. (1994).

VUV and UV luminescence of rare earth activated ions in LiYF4 and LiLuF4 single crystals.
M. A. Dubinskii, A. C. Cefalas and E. Sarantopoulou,
ILS – VIII, 8th Interdisciplinary Laser Science Conference,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA; September 20-25 1992.

Laser induced fluïrescence of rare earth activated ions in LiYF4 single crystals under irradiation at 157 nm from an F2 molecular laser.
E. Sarantopoulou, M.A. Dubinskii, A. C. Cefalas and C. A. Nicolaides,
10th International conference of vacuum ultraviolet physics,
Paris France; (1992).

New developments on VUV and UV solid state laser sources pumped by an F2 molecular laser at 157 nm.
A. C. Cefalas and E. Sarantopoulou,
9th International Symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers,
Heraklion, Greece; (1992).

Formation of metastable Hg-* by attachment of electrons to Hg* produced from
photodissociation of HgBr2.
S. M. Spyrou, E. Sarantopoulou, A.C. Cefalas and C. A. Nicolaides,
European Research Conference on very high resolution spectroscopy with photoelectrons
Kreuth (1992).

Efficient tunable VUV LaF3: Nd3+ laser.
M. A. Dubinskii, R.Y. Abdulsabirov, S. L. Korableva, A. K. Naumov, V. V. Semashko,
A. C. Cefalas and E. Sarantopoulou,
IQEC 1992, 18th International Quantum Electronic Conference,
Vienna (1992).

Efficient VUV LaF3 :Nd3+ based VUV solid state laser pumped by pulsed discharge molecular F2 laser.
M. A. Dubinskii, A. C. Cefalas, R. Y. Abdulsabirov, S. L. Korableva, E. Sarantopoulou, S .M. Spyrou and
C. A. Nicolaides,
9th International interdisciplinary Laser Science conference,
Monterey, California; 1991.

Observation of quantum beats in deexcitation of mercury triatomic clusters.
S. M. Spyrou, E. Sarantopoulou, A. C. Cefalas and C. A. Nicolaides,
23 rd EGAS,
Torun, Poland; 1991.

Atomic mercury anion from laser dissociation of HgBr2.,
S. M. Spyrou, E. Sarantopoulou, A. C. Cefalas and C. A. Nicolaides,
Edinburg, UK; 1991.

Mass Spectrometric observation of the triply ionized mercury dimer Hg3+ formed by electron impact.
S. M. Spyrou, E. Sarantopoulou, A. C. Cefalas and C. A. Nicolaides,
7th interdisciplinary Laser Science conference,
Monterey, California, USA; 1991.

Spectroscopy of mercury triatomic clusters. (INVITED)
A. C. Cefalas, S. M. Spyrou and E. Sarantopoulou,
V International School on Laser Applications in Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics-ISLA’90,
Vilnious, Lituania; 15-25th August 1990.

Relaxation effects on the 2P3/2 state of sodium in the ps range due to weak collisions with Ar atoms,.
E. Sarantopoulou, S. M. Spyrou and A. C. Cefalas,
22nd EGAS,
Upsala, Sweden; 1990.

Time of Flight mass spectrometric study of negative ion formation,
S.M. Spyrou, A. C. Cefalas and C. A. Nicolaides,
International Symposium of Applied Mass Spectrometry in the health sience,
Barcelona, Spain; 1990.

Free induction decay in alkali vapour.
A.C. Cefalas ,
9th Íational Quantum Electronics Conference,
Oxford, UK; 1989.

Picosecond phase conjugation by DFWM in Sodium vapour.
T. Mikropoulos, A. C. Cefalas, J. Hebling, P. Simon and C. A. Nicolaides,
1 st GR-I International conference on new laser technologies and applications,
Ancient Olympia, Greece; June 19-23, 1988.

Photodissociation dynamics of mercury halides via angular distribution of molecular photofragments in molecular beams. (INVITED).
A. C. Cefalas,
IV International School on Laser Applications in Atomic, Molecular and Nuclear Physics-ISLA’87
Vilnious, Lituania; 22-29 August 1987.

Photodissociation dynamics of mercury halides via angular distribution of molecular photofragments in molecular beams-spectroscopy of mercury trimers.
A. C. Cefalas,
V International symposium on ultrafast phenomena in spectroscopy-UPS,
Vilnious, Lituania; 22-29 August 1987.

Phase conjugation in an excimer system.
S. M. Spyrou, A. C. Cefalas and C. A. Nicolaides,
Baltimor, USA; 1987.

Amplification and gain measurements at 157 nm in a molecular fluorine pulsed discharge molecular laser.
A. C. Cefalas, C. Skordoulis, S. Spyrou and C. A. Nicolaides,
International Conference of VUV Radiation Physics,
Lund, Sweden; 1986.

An Optically pumped supersonic HgBr(B-X) molecular beam laser.
A. C. Cefalas,
Sixth international symposium on Gas Flow and Chemical Lasers,
Jerusalem, 8-12 September 1986.

Phase conjugation by degenerate four wave mixing at 193 nm in an ArF amplifier.
A. C. Cefalas and T. A. King,
6th national Quantum Electronics Conference,
Brighton, UK; 1983.

Publications in the Proceedings of International Conferences